18 September 2010

Advertising - 2010: Tippex YouTube Sensation

I was casually checking my Friday email's last week and regularly scroll through FHM's Weekly email. Most of the time the links are average, but every now and then, there is a gem. It's been a while since an advertising campaign has caught my eye like this, but when I saw "NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear!" I was intrigued to say the least. On the whole, if videos make it on YouTube, then they are bound to be funny, rather than gory, so another reason to click.

Watch the advertisement below and see just how shocking this video is!

Well, I bet you weren't expecting that! I can tell you I wasn't. On a Cross-Platform Group Project at Bournemouth University, a group of friends and I developed a very similar concept called iDunno.co.uk, for children, and not too dissimilar to Microsoft's Miss Dewey. Miss Dewey has been discontinued, but was a very intelligent website with thousands of responses. Tippex have done a phenomenal job in integrating this concept with YouTube, and in my opinion is the first of its kind. iDunno.co.uk was a safe interactive search engine for children and hopefully will be developed further in the future.

Anyway, back to Tippex... The advertisement was developed by Buzzman in France and you have the ability to rewrite the story however you see fit (hence the Tippex link...obviously). How many different videos can you find? I'll put up the one's I've found, so just add away!
  1. Shoots
  2. Erases
  3. F***s (come on, I bet you put that in first)
  4. Punches
  5. Photographs
  6. Rides
  7. Marries
  8. Dances
  9. Teases
  10. Farts
  11. Feeds
  12. Eats
  13. Finds
  14. Sings
  15. Couch
  16. Football
I think that's enough. Find some for yourselves and let me know if you find anything new! I know there was a film camera one but I can't find it anymore!



1 comment:

  1. I found some more:
    - tickles
    - draws
    - plays with
