Firstly I would like to apologise for my lack of posts the last two months. I guess this is what you get when you decide to study a Masters at university. November and December saw the class invent, develop and then sell a proposed television series/ documentary/film in the form of a three-part Dossier. This was extremely challenging and was effectively a Dissertation that took me at undergraduate level 6 months to complete, in a matter of weeks.
Once this was all handed in, after numerous stints living in the Base Room (our dedicated Producers and Directors Master's room) within Weymouth House, it was finally completed, bound, and submitted. I had decided to go with an international comedy drama, details of which I won't go into here (in case one day I decide to work on it!).
Now that this assignment is done, we have the Narrative Constructions assignment to complete by January the 12th, followed by a 3-week intensive course on Project Management, whereby we have to produce a 4 minute drama. I already have the location and story outline set so keep posted for more developments on its production. 2010 also holds promise for a new, powerful and unusual documentary to be produced with David Klein, a talented, German documentary director.
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas at home with your family and/or friends. I was lucky enough to celebrate Christmas with my housemates and neighbours in Bournemouth, then come back to Cyprus and celebrate with family and family friends. In all, I believe that coming home to relax is one of the most important things and seeing as I don't live in England, it is quite hard to attain that level of relaxation. This is mainly due to the fact that I can't exactly hop onto a train and go home for the weekend...well I could...if i was on footballers' wages...I can only dream.
New Years Eve should be excellent as my friends and I are going to the same spot we go every year for an open bar at Pebbles, on the seafront in Limassol. €45 isn't too bad considering other places are charging anything from €55 - €170. Normal nights often charge €5 per shot and €7 for a Jack Daniels and Coke so I plan to get my money's worth! It will be nice as my best friend's brother is DJ'ing with his events company.
I trust that you have all got some nice plans with friends and/or family and once this awful 2009 is over and done with, I hope that 2010 brings you all health, happiness and the luck you wish for to succeed in everything you do.
Merry (Belated) Christmas and Happy New Year!!
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